While suffering from plantar fasciitis, the chances are you are desperately seeking for the solutions to get rid of this hell-like condition. Maybe, you’re trying a lot of things but not getting your expected resolution. Did you know that your food consumption highly affects your foot condition? Sounds a bit unrealistic, right? But the truth is, a recent study has shown that plantar fasciitis can be better or worse depending on your dietary supplements. Now the question is, what kind of foods should be included in the plantar fasciitis diet plan?
Well, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. But before we jump onto plantar fasciitis dietary supplements, let’s talk a bit on what plantar fasciitis is.
Plantar fasciitis refers to a condition where the thick band of tissue (plantar fascia) gets inflamed or fractured due to excessive walking, running or even standing.

Basically, plantar fascia tissue connects the toes to the heel area thus, it strengthens the foot and helps us to walk. So, if this tissue gets torn because of overstretching or too much pressure, your regular lifestyle will be interrupted.
Some stretching exercises and supportive sneakers can help a lot to mitigate the pain and eventually heal the condition gradually.
Now let’s head back on plantar fasciitis diet plan and step by step guides on healing plantar fasciitis with a plant-based diet.
Table of contents
In depth guides on plantar fasciitis diet
The most common way diet affects plantar fasciitis is through the consumption of foods that are contained with either anti-inflammatory or inflammatory ingredients.
Some foods help to mitigate foot pain while others badly worsen it. So, while suffering from foot issues (heel pain), it’s crucial to be more careful of what you are eating.
In some cases, you may even suffer from plantar fasciitis vitamin deficiency. So, without any further ado, let’s put some inputs on what foods help and what don’t.
Foods to cure plantar fasciitis
There are some amazing foods out there full of vitamins, minerals, and compounds that help to mitigate heel pain providing enough calcium, magnesium, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and vitamin ‘C’ is one of the most effective ones.

So, it’s crucial to consume foods that are enriched with the mentioned ingredients. If it seems tough enough to understand what foods contain these ingredients then keep reading till the end.
Spinach is highly suggested for plantar fasciitis suffers as it’s a great source of calcium, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and magnesium. Lemon, olive, and oranges are second close options for heel pain sufferers, as they contain a high volume of vitamin ‘C’.
As an effective anti-inflammatory, omega 3 (unsaturated fatty acid) plays a great role. Wild fish like tuna and salmon are the best source of omega 3 acids
Carrots, broccoli, and some other vegetables can also be beneficial for foot pain sufferers. Furthermore, Strawberries, blueberries, and tomatoes deserve to be on your radar.
While all these foods fulfill the lack of magnesium, calcium, and MSM, in the meantime, you must focus on protein supplements. Chicken and fat-free milk are the best choices for protein.
Again the dietary supplements can’t heal the condition alone, it’s important to ensure adequate support to the feet and correct foot alignment.
We have reviewed some top-notch plantar fasciitis shoes that offer excellent foot support and fix the wrong alignment. You can read the reviews here.
Foods that make the condition worse
Besides the consumption of anti-inflammatory foods, you must avoid some inflammatory foods as a foot pain sufferer. Yes, there are some foods out there that increase the chances of further inflammation.

So, while suffering from plantar fasciitis, try to avoid junk foods (sweets, white bread, hamburgers, and sausages). We also suggest avoiding processed flour and processed meat
During our research time, we’ve also found that apple cider vinegar is also a helpful ingredient for plantar fasciitis. So, you can also count on that.
Benefits of Plantar fasciitis Keto diet (Ketogenic diet)
The Ketogenic diet refers to a high fat, adequate protein, and low carbohydrate diet that forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrate. Luckily, as you go with Keto diet, it keeps healing plantar fasciitis over time. So, while searching for plantar fasciitis nutrition, you can count on Keto diet.
Benefits of low carb diet for plantar fasciitis
While suffering from extreme heel pain, you can’t put low carb diet aside. It contains protein, fat, and healthy vegetables which are extremely helpful healing any kind of foot pain.
On top of that, low carb diet restricts carbohydrates found in sugary foods like sweets, pasta, and bread.
Mostnoteworthily, low carb diet plan helps to cut off extra fat from your body and thus, it decreases the pressure on your foot. This is how it works for
By the way, as you are trying low carb diet that means you are trying to burn out your extra fats and also trying to make you look more gorgeous, isn’t it? 🙂 🙂 Well, if so then you need stylish and fashionable shoes. We’ve compiled the 15 best stylish and gorgeous looking shoes for foot pain sufferers. You can check that today 🙂
Do you feel foot pain after eating?
Well, if this is the situation you are going through then you’ve come to the right place. Yes, it’s extremely true that in some cases, you may even feel extreme foot pain if you eat wrong.
Foods that are highly sugary (sweets, bread, processed flour) can be so destructive for your foot health. If you keep going with these sugary foods for a long time then you are definitely going to experience foot pain after a certain period of time.
Myths of coffee and plantar fasciitis
As coffee is full of strong anti-oxidant ingredients, researchers have found that it hinders the wound healing process. Plantar fasciitis is basically small tears in
“Caffeine leaches calcium from bones, sapping their strength” – WebMD

While suffering from heel pain, think twice before taking your morning cup of coffee. We highly recommend
You can try decaf or go with tea. Although tea also contains caffeine
If you have any questions for suggestions regarding plantar fasciitis diet then feel free to leave a comment below. We appreciate your opinion. Thank you so much for your support.
If you want to read more about foot pain dietary supplements then you can visit heelthatpain.com to know even more about it.